The Witch within


The first step to healing and spiritual growth is opening yourself up to self awareness and acceptance, while allowing denied and repressed pieces of yourself to be loved. Through a variety of healing modalities and psychic abilities, I am able to assist and provide guidance for emotional, physical and spiritual alignment.

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True Alchemy is to transform fear into love. This can be achieved by a daily spiritual practice and devotion to self and Spirit.

- The Witch Within


what is Shadow work?


Shadow Work begins WITHIN

The willingness to accept and love ALL aspects of self, even within the darkest aspects of self. We tend to hide from the dark corners of our soul, within the courage to embrace these uncomfortable parts and pieces we can see that our truest form consists both of the Light and Darkness.

The foundation of all our relationships, connections, patterns and beliefs come from our own roots of stability and trust. To find balance within our external world, we require soul alignment of our inner self.


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Awakening to Truth

The Universe supports and conspires to make things happen you seek within your heart. When you are ready to grow, the Universe will move you in the most miraculous ways. Trust the process with a willingness to surrender. Within this awakening, truths will be revealed and shifts will occur within your life. This journey to self may feel lonely, but you are never alone.

Whatever arises - Love that
— Matt Khan