The Depths of Scorpio Season - October 22 - November 21, 2021

On October 22nd we entered the emotional and passionate depths of Scorpio Season. This is a magickal time in which we have the opportunity to face our deepest fears. As you come face to face with your shadows, accept them with unconditional love, instead of shying away from the discomfort of the experience.

Many Shamans, Medicine People, Sensitives, Starseeds, Lightworkers, Healers, and Mystics are being awakened to their truth, and soul purpose. Many individuals are experiencing a spiritual awakening and are being called to the depths of their souls. Kundalini awakenings, spontaneous awakening, violet flame healing, and intense shadow work is being done on a collective level. Many times this dark phase of our journey can be referred to a “dark night of the soul”, which takes us to uncomfortable awareness and recognition of our own shadows. To understand our light, we must first accept our darkness.

Healing requires us to face our fears within honesty and raw vulnerability. Doing so can create intense waves of emotion, but the turmoil will be well worth the reward and outcome, as we discover lost pieces of our soul through this ancient remembering. Over the last few astrological seasons, we have been on a journey of retrieving fragmented and lost pieces of our soul. In our lifetimes, when we experience an emotional trauma too unbearable to feel, we can disassociate from ourselves to survive the emotional or physical pain of the event. When we detached ourselves, part of our energetic being can become fragmented and left behind as an imprinted memory and energetic attachment. These attachments can influence and play a role in the journey of other souls in our life. Parts of self may have been given, taken, stolen, or wrongfully kept in possession, with or without your permission.

Reflect on all the times you have given away your power, or felt powerless. Go back to that time and offer yourself the love, guidance, direction and acceptance that is required to be felt. As you welcome home all aspects of self, you begin to heal the foundation of your heart. Take the lessons that you learned in Libra Season to find calmness and inner balance, even within the turbulent waters of your emotions. Return to your breath and connect to your body to find your balance within the storms of life.

Scorpio wants you to come face to face with the raw truth of life. Avoidance is not something that will be sustainable for long. Everything comes to the surface this season, and passion is being restored. Deep shadow work is offered within opportunities to look at the energies within your life that meddle and block your creativity and intuition. Look at any self-sabotaging beliefs, and limiting patterns and conditions within your foundation and systems. Choosing to deny Shadow Work will lead to a continual loop and repeated patterns. A lot of these shadows are formed within childhood, at the times when our foundations are created. Unpacking childhood memories, not only unearths our shadows, wounds and trauma, but also our passions, strengths and gifts.

The Scorpio New Moon on November 4th, 2021, brought a void space of contemplation and solitude. You may have felt very inwardly drawn over the last few weeks, which has brought a seat of creativity to the your awareness. Darkness calms our nervous systems, and your sleep patterns may be disturbed at this time. Night time hours are bringing in the silence and solitude required to hear your heart and soul speak. Quietening the mind, allows the space for your intuition to become loud with clarity. Peer into your subconscious mind, see your blocks, discover your hopes, dreams and desires. Set your intentions, and redefine yourself within shifts to your patterns.

The New Moon brought an intensity to transform our shadows into light. Pause and reflect. Doorways and portals are opening up to your subconscious connection and intentions. Scorpio surfaces it ALL! Look at your emotions, and transmute your rawness into a positive change of perceptive. Sit and Feel. Understand your anger, and find motivation or clarity within the purpose. Understand your worry and anxiety on a deeper level. See your fear as an opportunity to surrender, or find safe places of trust. Express your sadness into expressive art, creativity and beauty.

Ultimately, what needs to shift within you, in order to experience a new vibration?

The Full Moon in Taurus on November 19th, 2021 is bringing us a completion to Scorpio Season and ushering in a Lunar Eclipse. Lunar Eclipses occur on Full Moon transits and offer an opportunity to work directly within our karmic cycles and healing. As we work within our Lunar Nodes, this energetic vortex emits powerful vibrations to influence the direction of society and what we are learning on a collective level. This is a time to connect with nature, your body and find our inner stillness. Feel into your inner compass and trust your primal instincts of intuition. Release and let go of distractions, and follow your inner guidance forward.

Release and open your mind and feel into the greater meaning of life.

The Taurus Moon opposes the Scorpio Sun, which assist us within helping bring a greater wisdom about ourselves, evolve and find our inner balance. Scorpio takes us to the depths of self, while Taurus brings us the strength and stillness to hold everything that surfaces. Take time to catch your breath, and simply sit with yourself. Bring awareness to all your senses, and do not over complicate the experience. Feel into the abundance in your life, knowing that abundance can come in all shapes and forms.

This Full Moon feel into loving every version and fragment of yourself. Feel into the beauty you bring to the world and become aware of any patterns, conditions and behaviors in your life that prevent you from showing up.

If you would like to order a Lunar Reading or join the next month’s circle of The Crooked Path - Sagittarius Season, please contact me through e-mail or message on Telegram Messenger @thewitchwithin.

Blessed Be,

Ashley Rae

Breaking the Chains

Change your story

and remember who you are

I was extremely trigger during a conversation this morning, as I could feel my blood boil as the conversation progressed. I stopped, took a step back and asked myself why I felt this has triggered a deeply rooted issue within my soul. I ended the conversation and took time to reflect on my feelings on the matter.

Essentially the conversation was about how one culture of women, tend to perform different tasks in a relationship.  At first this irritated me, because as women we are so often lumped together in a category based upon our up bringing and culture. You must or should be this way, because you are Caucasian, Aboriginal, East Indian, African American, Chinese, Ukrainian, and so on and so on. This takes away our individuality, our uniqueness and quite frankly takes away our power to be who ever the hell we want to be!

I am trying to write this post with as much love and compassion as possible, but this has stirred a fire inside of me that I can not quite put a damper on.

It all comes down to expectations that are put on all of us. This post is not just for women, but also for men. How often do we make our choices or second guess ourselves because of the expectations of others? We hesitant in speaking our truth, because that is not what is expected of us. We turn down that opportunity, because that is not in our so called “blue print”, maybe we feel that we are not worthy of what this opportunity may bring into our life.

Stereotyping who we will grow up to be, so essentially if you have come from a broken home, expect to have relationships that are abusive and unhealthy. If you come from a home with structure and religion, expect your life to be full of opportunities and right choices.

Drug addictions, depression, anxiety, unhealthy relationships, success, happiness, confidence, healthy relationships, our choices in life, are not predicated by our past or culture. We have the power to change our beliefs, our ways of life and all our choices are our own.

Women, how many times have you asked yourself, what is expected of me? You go on a first date, does the thought run through your mind as you are getting ready, what should I wear, what is the message I want to send out? Do I wear the low-cut top and tight jeans? Will he think I am trying too hard? Maybe just keep it casual. Red lipstick or not? Will I look like a prostitute? Okay, now the big question, what if he wants to have sex? If I say, yes, he is going to think I am a slut. That little voice in your head steps in, the shame, women are not supposed to enjoy sex, women are not supposed to have sex on the first date, don’t you know you should be leaving him wanting more, playing the persona of the “good girl”? We choose jobs, that are culturally appropriate, jobs that we are expected to do. In relationships, women are to put our partners first, take care of their needs and ours second. Our children come first, our house hold chores comes first, our jobs and careers, we are taught to put all of it in the forefront of us and are expected to put ourselves last!! How in the world can you take care of everyone else, when you have nothing left to give?

Men, how many times do you go on a first date, and stress about not coming off too strong, worried about sexual assault allegations. Fear may arise because you are expected to foot the bill. Consciously choosing your words so you don’t show too many emotions, you must be manly and don’t show any of your weaknesses…. because you know women like a big strong man to take care of them. Maybe your thoughts go towards the end of the evening, does she ask me to come in, what are her expectations? Does she want to have sex? I don’t want to come off too strong, but I don’t want her to think I am not into her. Men also choose jobs that are masculine appropriate, shying away from possibly their passions, because that work is not a “man’s” job. In relationships they tend to take all the weight on their shoulders, never breaking down or showing their fears or emotions…. because don’t you know women only want a man that is strong and stable 100% of the time.

Unrealistic expectation after expectation are put on us, creating this box of limitations and boundaries of who we can be.

Ladies, I will tell you a little secret, you can like sex and fucking enjoy it! Men you don’t always have to be strong and emotionless. If you have come from a broken home, you are worthy of a healthy and loving relationship. If addiction is a common path in your family history, you can choose to travel down a different road. These cycles can be ended, and the wheel can be recreated.

Understandably so, if you have come from a home that has not instilled self love, worthiness and compassion, then your road may be more difficult but not impossible. Do not put limitations on your dreams, goals and desires because of your past experiences. The hard work will be worth the effort and the rewards will be plentiful.

Do not allow yourself to be pressured into being someone you are not because of the way you are expected to be. Just the same as if you were to come from a very prestigious upbringing, your goals that you are expected to achieve are most likely unrealistic and unattainable. When you live a life with an open heart, and allow your truth to lead, you step into your authentic state of being. This state of being has no restrictions or limits on what you can or can not do.

If your authentic self is conservative and shy, then let that shine. If your authentic self, is bold and fierce, then let that soar. Whatever you do, do it with intention and love. Say “NO” to the things that no longer light passion inside of you. Stop doing things for your partner because they are expected of you and begin makes choices from the heart. Live with the intention of love, and not expectations.

My challenge to you, is for every decision or choice you make, ask your heart if it is in alignment to your soul? So when you slip on that low-cut top, if it brings you joy…... fucking rock it! If you feel a strong connection on a first date, and you want to have sex, release the guilt of it and enjoy the moment. If you want to take off that mask of strength and be real and vulnerable, then let it all fall away. The right people will LOVE you for exactly who YOU are! Let the others fall away, because they do not deserve your beautiful and magic soul.

Let me tell you, no matter what you do, whether it is expected or not, there will ALWAYS be someone that does not agree. So, let all the expectations go, release yourself from the shackles, and just do YOU!




Divine Sisterhood

sisterhood definition: the relationship between sisters. A feeling of kinship with and closeness to a group of women or all women. An association or community of women linked by a common interest, religion or trade.


it knows the way to your tribe

Slut shaming, back stabbing, name calling, when did women get so ruthless? Or maybe women have been cut throat to each other all along.

Throughout centuries, we have been made to sacrifice the freedom of another, to save our own life. Forced up against a wall, no other place to turn, but on the backs of our own coven. This guilt, resentment, anger, hate, and fear has been burned into our core. The seed of betrayal and the inability to trust, was planted long ago.

We crave union, sisterhood and a tribe to call our own, but never quite open our hearts to the love of the union of a Divine Feminine circle. Paralyzing fear has been pounded into our beliefs that a powerful circle of women is dark, is an unforgivable crime, and we will be prosecuted. Shaming our power that comes from our divine spark, the passion and fire that burned from our own sexuality, dowsed with the fears of inadequacy of others.

When it all boils down to the internal core of our instincts to turn on each other, it comes down to fear, insecurities and the lack of self love and acceptance that we have for ourselves. I look back at my own life and as I reflect on the moments that I may not be proud of. The situations where I also turned my back on the women I loved, to save my own self appearance or reputation. The moments I could not find my own voice to stand in front of her whilst she was being beaten down by others. Standing in silence, afraid of the repercussions, my silence offering my consent to the deep cuts of anger and jealousy. This was a chapter in my life when I was extremely vulnerable and scared. Terrified of my truth being spoken and the daggers of judgment pointed my way. On the outside I put up many shields of protection, a wall that impersonated strength and courage. A layer of deception that I was not emotionally affected by the sticks and stones of their words and actions. These walls became so enormous, that love was not allowed in or out.  The bricks were sealed, but the love for myself leaked out slowly, in between the imperfections of a life time of decay.

As we watch our coven sisters be burned at the stake, hung to their deaths, eyes staring back at yours. And in those moments, we had to remain calm, as her eyes became yours, her last breath, became yours, the agonizing pain, was yours. Holding back our emotions, stifling our tears, praying for forgiveness as you felt her mystic soul return to grace.

Our emotions have vibration, and these vibrations still pulsate through our existence, being passed down from lifetime to lifetime. I believe one of our life lessons as the collective Divine, is to heal this breakage of the bond that we are meant to share.

It warms my heart, when I see small positive changes happening in society that is slowly mending these wounds that run deep.  The fact of the matter is that these wounds are deeply embedded into our souls, and a band-aid solution will not close up these gaping wounds. The healing is required to start within and work it’s way outward.

The more we love ourselves, the less we will bring hate on to others. Stand up to your inner prosecutor, you know the one that tells you that you are not good enough. Look them right in the eye and take back your power. YOU are WORTHY, YOU are SMART, YOU are KIND, YOU are POWERFUL and BRAVE, YOUR intuition is CLEAR and YOUR beauty EXISTS within.

We have become so accustomed to not only judging others but also hating ourselves. Despising the skin, we were born into, hiding our souls behind superficial masks. Our addiction to change, enhance, remove, reduce and cover up has become endless. We are chasing a love that we will never wrap our arms around, because this love is based upon false expectations that we are unable to achieve.

The start of self love begins within, without needing a mirror to reflect your beauty. Shut your eyes, feel your soul and connect your heart to your pure essence of who you are as a soul. See beyond the physical aspects of who you are a woman. Your soul is made up of the power and beauty of the Divine Feminine, it has always been there.

Gather together as women, support, love and assist each other in their rising. There is not one standard of beauty or strength as we are all multi-dimensional beings. Pieced together with the exquisite beauty of Mother Earth, the magnificence of the galaxy, the intuition of the moon, the passion of the sun, and the grace of the Divine.

There is enough expansion for us all to rise together in unison as a divinely guided tribe. We no longer have to hide our secrets behind hatred and betrayal. Instead allow those fears we hold between ourselves as a shield of protection to burn to ashes. We no longer need to fear the power of our kindred connections.

Strip away your clothes, expose your naked souls, dance under the moonlight hand in hand, feel the power of your divine intuition pulsate through your veins, becoming stronger and stronger, your divine beauty seeping out from every pour of your body.

Answer the call to shine your light, beckoning your sisters home to a coven of love and understanding, power and trust. To confess your darkest secrets in a binding circle under the sisterhood of the divine. Inviting our young daughters to be integrated into this sacred way to carry on the traditions of the ways of the witch.

Let us cut and remove hatred and judgment out of our vocabulary, beliefs and thoughts, specifically when speaking or thinking about the divine feminine. You will not align with everyone and that is ok, focus on your tribe, not the separation. There does not have to be a battle of who is more powerful, pure or authentic. Allow and let each other dance to the rhythm of their own drum, without trying to drown them out with your own beat.  

Rise together, sing together, dance together, love together, be brave together and support each and every sacred soul of the divine feminine. The rise of the feminine within us all will heal our world.

Blessings Divine Sacred Souls,

Ashley Atkinson

We do not need magic to change the world, we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already: we have the power to imagine better.>JK Rowling<

We do not need magic to change the world, we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already: we have the power to imagine better.

>JK Rowling<

Let them go

If you LOVE them, Let them Go

Sometimes you let go of the people you love so slowly that you don’t even notice that you are walking alone. Being stopped dead in your tracks only to see them miles behind, do you retrace your footsteps and lose the momentum you have gained, or do you continue your journey without them? You have unexpectedly become comfortable with the distance of their presence. You stopped thinking about them everyday, slowly at first, and then it was days before you realized they never crossed your mind. Their love became an inconvenience, the relationship became work, no longer natural and with ease.

If you are the one looking behind your shoulder, have the courage to say goodbye. Do them a favour and release them from the grip of the burning rope of hope, that one day you will come back to them. One day you will lift your gaze from your tunnel vision moving forward and realize what you left behind.

Nobody deserves a half assed love! If you are not one million percent sure that this person is the one …. let them go. It doesn’t mean that this time was wasted, or that your relationship did not serve a very valuable purpose. You are not only cheating yourself of a deserving relationship, but you are cheating them, and the next person that will love them and you, the opportunity to be divinely guided together.

If you are the one, that has been left victim of the traumatic wreckage of “I should feel more, you are not the one I want be with”, I will firmly tell you, this too shall pass. Our greatest blessings often transform from our most devastating heartbreaks. During the silencing moment of the shattering of your heart, it feels as though it will never be mended. After it is sewed up, “who would want such a Frankenstein heart anyway”, the jagged edges pieced together…..I don’t even know how to sew.

Days will pass, at the beginning you won’t be able to breathe. Little by little the heaviness begins to subside, and your breath will become deep once again. You will feel lighter on your feet, excitement starts to boil within you, a new journey beckoning your soul. Slowly, not noticeable at first, you will start thinking about this person less and less, until one day you realize that they haven’t crossed your mind in weeks. You begin to be comfortable with walking alone, this time you don’t have a reason to turn back.

The stars start to align, and your purpose becomes crystal clear. Looking back on the past, seeing beyond the hurt and betrayal, why it all had to end. You begin thanking the Universe for pulling the rug from under your feet, cracking you open and redirecting your vision.

We can become so comfortable in our own discomfort, that we don’t allow our selves to dream. Settle for less love, less attention, less compatibility, less passion, because we forget what it feels like to have more. Do not allow yourself to get comfortable with just settling.

Take your time to heal and mend the wounds. Fill your cracks with golden love, making your heart even more beautiful than it was before. Standing in your truth, and acknowledging to yourself, that you ignored too many signs, you denied the discomfort you were in. You felt the distance but tried to pull tighter.

Allow your heart to become soft, open up your trust, and don’t let your heart become guarded. The connection you deserve is around the corner, there is someone preparing for your awakened love. A sacred union waiting to be reunited. And then one day you will look up and out of the blue, the most beautiful set of eyes, will be looking straight into yours. Your souls will connect, and new love will be birthed. That Frankenstein heart will be loved again, but not seen as a monster. They will see past the imperfections of a heart the loved too much and see strength and uniqueness. They have never loved a heart quite like yours. Just like you have never loved with this exact same heart. Every relationship, every life lesson of love and acceptance, changes and shifts the vibration in our heart space. This is way every relationship is such an essential part of how we love. Specifically, the intimate relationship we have with our own self love.

Instead of looking back on the past and cringing at all the hard lessons you have had to endure. Revoke back the love and expansion. Thanking those people for the lessons that were provided to you for your soul’s growth. Looking back at how far you have come. Allowing the roots of a deeper sense of love for yourself to tether into the earth’s core, unraveling the undeniable worth of your sacred energy.

Flow softly into this new beginning with an open heart, a strong worth, and an unbreakable trust of what is manifesting for you is magical and in alignment of your highest good. Surrender to the movements, like a dance gracefully sweeping you to the next new chapter of your life.

I welcome a sacred union.

I welcome passion, love and desire.

I welcome excitement and adventure.

I welcome this new skin that I am stepping into.

I welcome this new heart full of love.

I welcome and surrender to all the beautiful transformations.




Reflection and Releasing 2018, Welcoming the New Energies of 2019

Our deepest pain, brings our deepest healing

Healing is an Art. It takes Time. It takes Practice. It takes Love.

As a sit and reflect on this past year, it brings up an intense amount of emotion and gratitude. Never would I have predicted the events that occurred this year ….. I am supposed to psychic….right?! Am I even the same person that entered 2018 than I am leaving it? This year’s focus was on life lessons, transformation and personal growth. I was put in uncomfortable positions where some altering life changes needed to be made.

This summer I focused on building my business, connecting with clients and creating partnerships. Stepping out of the “closet” so to speak and really putting myself out there. During the summer months I had lost myself in work, which brought up a lot of fear, anxiety, and depression. Not allowing myself time to recharge and pushed myself to new limits. I realize now, this was all part of the bigger picture.

Slowly my depression began to creep back up, having kept it at bay for the last few years, my anxiety was at an all time high. Obsessive thoughts over took my mind, controlling my every day. I knew that change was brewing, it was not an option, but necessary. The signs were all around me, everywhere I looked, messages from spirit, and these were no longer whispers, but screams. I continued to ignore the urges, I denied my truth, pushing it aside and saying “I will”. Spirit got tired of my procrastination and took the necessary steps of changes into their own hands.

In the fall, the rug was swept out from under my feet with the two words i feared the most……”it’s over”. My relationship disintegrated rapidly right before my eyes. All the love that I had kept in a little box under lock and key, was ripped out of my tight grasp. The pieces starting sifting through my fingers like sand. The more I tried to hold it all together, the more it crumbled into a million tiny pieces, leaving me holding nothing.

With this heart wrenching break up, I spiraled into a dark hole of depression, hitting rock bottom. I allowed my grief to swallow me up. My body was in constant pain, I was unable to breath, the heaviness on my chest was unbearable, but the physical pain was nothing like the agony of the shattering of my heart. How can something so painful be so silent? Didn’t everyone else hear it?! Like the sound of a car crash, and the silence after, the eerie knowing that someone did not make it.

I allowed my grief to swallow me whole, I welcomed an inner death to occur. As I lay in bed one evening, praying for an end to the pain. Just like the tower card in traditional tarot, my whole castle was set on fire and I was at the top of the turret, all I wanted to do was jump to my demise, save myself from burning alive. The pain would have been less severe than the heartbreak i was experiencing at the time. During this period of contemplation, I heard the most clearest message from spirit ….my journey had only just begun. No matter how much I no longer wanted to continue, spirit was not allowing me to quit. Through our deepest pain, we experience our deepest healing. In order to be a healer, I must experience pain, grief and sadness. No one wants a perfect healer, in fact, they want a wounded one.

During my collapse, I immersed myself into the only thing I knew how to do with certainty…. my spiritual practice. I committed to loving myself unconditionally. All the love that I wanted to give, I gave to myself. Empowering and healing my soul. Pushing myself to help others, in the hopes of healing others I would in turn heal myself.

Beautiful things began to unfold during this time of destruction and chaos. My business began to flourish, and I give spirit all the credit. When I look back at my mental, emotional and physical state there is no way that I did this on me own. All the pieces fell together in perfect stride. Everything fell into place with ease and grace, these are the moments that you know are spirit guided and driven. Trusting wholeheartedly that this was the right decision and it would lead me on the path of a huge awakening. This is proof that when something is meant to be, there is always a way.

I realize now that my world had to crumble and burn to the ground in order for me to be reborn and re-birthed. I came out of this pain with a greater understanding about myself and others. A greater sense of love, which pushed me to new limits, things that I never thought that I could do. Sometimes we have to feel like we have lost it all in order to jump. Nothing to lose, and everything to gain.

With all the pain that was experienced this year, I also experienced so much love and support. I would not change it, if I had the chance. I see so many beautiful and prosperous opportunities unfolding for me. New relationships have emerged and business opportunities are being presented.

As you reflect on the year that has passed, do not hold fear, anger or judgement. Be thankful for all the people that were brought into your life for very specific reasons. Send blessings and love to those who could no longer stay. Open your heart to new relationships and opportunities. Give gratitude to the life lessons that were learned, and take this knowledge forward into the new years ahead. Send healing to the hurt and pain that was endured, not only by yourself, but by others as well.

I have a huge love for rituals and believe that they are truly powerful and effective. Today take time to not only release any feelings, thoughts, beliefs or relationships that no longer serve your highest good, but to take time to set your intentions and give the gratitude deserved.

Open your heart to the abundance that is flowing to you, open your heart to the love that is manifesting and growing. One of the most powerful quotes that I have heard was, you can not heal in the same environment that made you sick. Get real with yourself, what are the changes that need to be made in your life? Are you a victim of self sabotage? Are you continuing to live in the same manner and expect different results? You have the power, you have the control to make the changes necessary.

Like the phoenix emerging from the ashes of destruction, open your wings, feel your power and fly. You were put on this earth for a reason, follow your heart and your life’s purpose. Your rejections, are blessings in disguise. Be thankful for all of your wishes that did not come true, as you will be graced with blessings far beyond your wildest imagination and dreams. Spirit has a much bigger plan for us, than our human mind can comprehend. Trust in the magic, as it flows through you.

May you step into 2019 with purpose, passion, love and intention. Sending you blessings, abundance and prosperity with these new energies emerging.

So Mote it Be

In Spirit,
