Shadow Reading


A Shadow Reading can offer you guidance within your spiritual path, and connects to the subconscious mind and inner self. During this session I focus on the intention of emotional healing and spiritual understanding of your energetic and emotional state. Our emotional triggers, are often indicators to where we are holding trauma and unhealed aspects of self.

Our Shadow is not something that is necessarily negative, but consist of lower aspects of self that we tend to deny, ignore, and avoid all together. These energies can be found in repressed memories and emotions that have been stored within your energetic system. When our emotions are not expressed or released we hold them within our muscle tissue, cells and organs. The more energy that is built up from these emotional tendencies, can create physical discomfort and aliments within our life.

A Shadow Reading can address any areas of misalignment within your energetic, emotional and physical foundations. The root of a physical disruption in your life, will be found on an emotional and energetic source.

First, acknowledging the misalignment within your life, can redirect you towards the awareness of change. To shift any aspect or energy, you must be aware of what it is that required to be perceived in a new way.

This reading will connect on an emotional level, and will provide guidance of the soul and shadow work that you are currently experiencing. As this guidance may be emotionally triggering, I always ask Spirit to deliver messages in a way that is loving, compassionate and understanding. Offering you a safe space to process any grief, sadness, trauma or lower vibrational experience.

Self love, compassion, forgiveness and acceptance are essential when working with our shadow side.


Sacred Union Reading


A Sacred Union Reading focuses on a “soul” connection within your life. This may or may not be a romantic connection, as “soul mate” connections and relationships can be experienced in many different forms.

This reading can focus on a specific relationship in your life, or a general reading of potential “soul” connections within your relations.

No matter our relationship with others, the most important relationship that we have is the connection we experience with self. Not only will this Sacred Union Reading provide guidance within an external focus, but it will also provide inner guidance and direction.

The energy of the Sacred Union Reading will individually focus on both the masculine and feminine energies within the connection. Feminine and Masculine energy are not gender specific. As all souls hold both feminine and masculine energy within their energetic fields and bodies.


General Guidance Reading

A General Guidance Reading will open up to any and all spiritual guidance within your highest good and benefit. This reading can connect with all aspects of healing, inner awareness, relationships, challenges and inspirational experiences within your life.

When connecting with Spirit, I ask for information to be provided that will assist your highest vibration and connection to self. Always being delivered within an intention of love, compassion and deep understanding of what you are experiencing within a physical, emotional, or spiritual form.

No matter the type of reading you “choose”, Spirit will always bring forth guidance in which is in your highest good and healing.


Light Code and Energetic Activation Reading

A Light Code and Energetic Activation Reading focuses directly on any energetic imbalances and areas of healing and focus that are required on a personal level. The intention of this session will bring awareness to any aspects, mind, body and soul that you are energetically experiencing a shift in frequency.

Any spiritual lessons of experience and healing will be brought to the surface to allow further understanding and suggestion of expression.

Lunar Readings

Lunar Readings are offered with the Full and New Moon of each astrological season. Each reading will be focused on the energetic and cosmic influences within your spiritual path and physical experiences. A Lunar Reading can provide guidance and understanding of what you are experiencing on a physical level, and bringing you a deeper understanding of the energetic and universal shifts that may be influencing these experiences.

We are all connected to the Universal shifts, and cosmic transits whether we are consciously aware of this or not.

If you are unsure as to which specific reading you require, please reach out and I would be happy to provide my intuitive guidance as to what I feel would benefit you with the highest regard.

Any session can be custom to your personal intentions, desires and requirements. No reading is exactly the same, no matter how many times you have received a guidance reading.