connecting with the moon
Understanding the moon’s energies and influences can provide you a deeper understanding of your own mental, emotional, energetic and spiritual self and experiences.
Think of the energies as water within a river, this river bends and curves, leaving you unaware of the potential conditions that lay ahead. Sometimes these energies can feel turbulent and chaotic as you venture towards unstable waters. When the waves of energy become still and peaceful-we can feel very supported and secure within the current frequencies, or waters.
Devoting and understanding the current moon phases can serve as oars within your boat as you travel down the river’s flow of life. This understanding can bring in a deeper knowledge of how you are being influenced by the moons energies or frequencies, and how you can invoke strength, alignment and balance within your own personal and current circumstances through this knowledge.
Knowledge is power, and the more we have about our self, our internal make-up and our external worldly connections and frequencies- we gain back the power in which we have felt a loss of control. The purpose of this power is to gain the awareness of ourselves, our energy, and frequency and navigate any unstable feelings and emotions that we may find ourselves experiencing.