If you LOVE them, Let them Go
Sometimes you let go of the people you love so slowly that you don’t even notice that you are walking alone. Being stopped dead in your tracks only to see them miles behind, do you retrace your footsteps and lose the momentum you have gained, or do you continue your journey without them? You have unexpectedly become comfortable with the distance of their presence. You stopped thinking about them everyday, slowly at first, and then it was days before you realized they never crossed your mind. Their love became an inconvenience, the relationship became work, no longer natural and with ease.
If you are the one looking behind your shoulder, have the courage to say goodbye. Do them a favour and release them from the grip of the burning rope of hope, that one day you will come back to them. One day you will lift your gaze from your tunnel vision moving forward and realize what you left behind.
Nobody deserves a half assed love! If you are not one million percent sure that this person is the one …. let them go. It doesn’t mean that this time was wasted, or that your relationship did not serve a very valuable purpose. You are not only cheating yourself of a deserving relationship, but you are cheating them, and the next person that will love them and you, the opportunity to be divinely guided together.
If you are the one, that has been left victim of the traumatic wreckage of “I should feel more, you are not the one I want be with”, I will firmly tell you, this too shall pass. Our greatest blessings often transform from our most devastating heartbreaks. During the silencing moment of the shattering of your heart, it feels as though it will never be mended. After it is sewed up, “who would want such a Frankenstein heart anyway”, the jagged edges pieced together…..I don’t even know how to sew.
Days will pass, at the beginning you won’t be able to breathe. Little by little the heaviness begins to subside, and your breath will become deep once again. You will feel lighter on your feet, excitement starts to boil within you, a new journey beckoning your soul. Slowly, not noticeable at first, you will start thinking about this person less and less, until one day you realize that they haven’t crossed your mind in weeks. You begin to be comfortable with walking alone, this time you don’t have a reason to turn back.
The stars start to align, and your purpose becomes crystal clear. Looking back on the past, seeing beyond the hurt and betrayal, why it all had to end. You begin thanking the Universe for pulling the rug from under your feet, cracking you open and redirecting your vision.
We can become so comfortable in our own discomfort, that we don’t allow our selves to dream. Settle for less love, less attention, less compatibility, less passion, because we forget what it feels like to have more. Do not allow yourself to get comfortable with just settling.
Take your time to heal and mend the wounds. Fill your cracks with golden love, making your heart even more beautiful than it was before. Standing in your truth, and acknowledging to yourself, that you ignored too many signs, you denied the discomfort you were in. You felt the distance but tried to pull tighter.
Allow your heart to become soft, open up your trust, and don’t let your heart become guarded. The connection you deserve is around the corner, there is someone preparing for your awakened love. A sacred union waiting to be reunited. And then one day you will look up and out of the blue, the most beautiful set of eyes, will be looking straight into yours. Your souls will connect, and new love will be birthed. That Frankenstein heart will be loved again, but not seen as a monster. They will see past the imperfections of a heart the loved too much and see strength and uniqueness. They have never loved a heart quite like yours. Just like you have never loved with this exact same heart. Every relationship, every life lesson of love and acceptance, changes and shifts the vibration in our heart space. This is way every relationship is such an essential part of how we love. Specifically, the intimate relationship we have with our own self love.
Instead of looking back on the past and cringing at all the hard lessons you have had to endure. Revoke back the love and expansion. Thanking those people for the lessons that were provided to you for your soul’s growth. Looking back at how far you have come. Allowing the roots of a deeper sense of love for yourself to tether into the earth’s core, unraveling the undeniable worth of your sacred energy.
Flow softly into this new beginning with an open heart, a strong worth, and an unbreakable trust of what is manifesting for you is magical and in alignment of your highest good. Surrender to the movements, like a dance gracefully sweeping you to the next new chapter of your life.
I welcome a sacred union.
I welcome passion, love and desire.
I welcome excitement and adventure.
I welcome this new skin that I am stepping into.
I welcome this new heart full of love.
I welcome and surrender to all the beautiful transformations.