The Depths of Scorpio Season - October 22 - November 21, 2021

On October 22nd we entered the emotional and passionate depths of Scorpio Season. This is a magickal time in which we have the opportunity to face our deepest fears. As you come face to face with your shadows, accept them with unconditional love, instead of shying away from the discomfort of the experience.

Many Shamans, Medicine People, Sensitives, Starseeds, Lightworkers, Healers, and Mystics are being awakened to their truth, and soul purpose. Many individuals are experiencing a spiritual awakening and are being called to the depths of their souls. Kundalini awakenings, spontaneous awakening, violet flame healing, and intense shadow work is being done on a collective level. Many times this dark phase of our journey can be referred to a “dark night of the soul”, which takes us to uncomfortable awareness and recognition of our own shadows. To understand our light, we must first accept our darkness.

Healing requires us to face our fears within honesty and raw vulnerability. Doing so can create intense waves of emotion, but the turmoil will be well worth the reward and outcome, as we discover lost pieces of our soul through this ancient remembering. Over the last few astrological seasons, we have been on a journey of retrieving fragmented and lost pieces of our soul. In our lifetimes, when we experience an emotional trauma too unbearable to feel, we can disassociate from ourselves to survive the emotional or physical pain of the event. When we detached ourselves, part of our energetic being can become fragmented and left behind as an imprinted memory and energetic attachment. These attachments can influence and play a role in the journey of other souls in our life. Parts of self may have been given, taken, stolen, or wrongfully kept in possession, with or without your permission.

Reflect on all the times you have given away your power, or felt powerless. Go back to that time and offer yourself the love, guidance, direction and acceptance that is required to be felt. As you welcome home all aspects of self, you begin to heal the foundation of your heart. Take the lessons that you learned in Libra Season to find calmness and inner balance, even within the turbulent waters of your emotions. Return to your breath and connect to your body to find your balance within the storms of life.

Scorpio wants you to come face to face with the raw truth of life. Avoidance is not something that will be sustainable for long. Everything comes to the surface this season, and passion is being restored. Deep shadow work is offered within opportunities to look at the energies within your life that meddle and block your creativity and intuition. Look at any self-sabotaging beliefs, and limiting patterns and conditions within your foundation and systems. Choosing to deny Shadow Work will lead to a continual loop and repeated patterns. A lot of these shadows are formed within childhood, at the times when our foundations are created. Unpacking childhood memories, not only unearths our shadows, wounds and trauma, but also our passions, strengths and gifts.

The Scorpio New Moon on November 4th, 2021, brought a void space of contemplation and solitude. You may have felt very inwardly drawn over the last few weeks, which has brought a seat of creativity to the your awareness. Darkness calms our nervous systems, and your sleep patterns may be disturbed at this time. Night time hours are bringing in the silence and solitude required to hear your heart and soul speak. Quietening the mind, allows the space for your intuition to become loud with clarity. Peer into your subconscious mind, see your blocks, discover your hopes, dreams and desires. Set your intentions, and redefine yourself within shifts to your patterns.

The New Moon brought an intensity to transform our shadows into light. Pause and reflect. Doorways and portals are opening up to your subconscious connection and intentions. Scorpio surfaces it ALL! Look at your emotions, and transmute your rawness into a positive change of perceptive. Sit and Feel. Understand your anger, and find motivation or clarity within the purpose. Understand your worry and anxiety on a deeper level. See your fear as an opportunity to surrender, or find safe places of trust. Express your sadness into expressive art, creativity and beauty.

Ultimately, what needs to shift within you, in order to experience a new vibration?

The Full Moon in Taurus on November 19th, 2021 is bringing us a completion to Scorpio Season and ushering in a Lunar Eclipse. Lunar Eclipses occur on Full Moon transits and offer an opportunity to work directly within our karmic cycles and healing. As we work within our Lunar Nodes, this energetic vortex emits powerful vibrations to influence the direction of society and what we are learning on a collective level. This is a time to connect with nature, your body and find our inner stillness. Feel into your inner compass and trust your primal instincts of intuition. Release and let go of distractions, and follow your inner guidance forward.

Release and open your mind and feel into the greater meaning of life.

The Taurus Moon opposes the Scorpio Sun, which assist us within helping bring a greater wisdom about ourselves, evolve and find our inner balance. Scorpio takes us to the depths of self, while Taurus brings us the strength and stillness to hold everything that surfaces. Take time to catch your breath, and simply sit with yourself. Bring awareness to all your senses, and do not over complicate the experience. Feel into the abundance in your life, knowing that abundance can come in all shapes and forms.

This Full Moon feel into loving every version and fragment of yourself. Feel into the beauty you bring to the world and become aware of any patterns, conditions and behaviors in your life that prevent you from showing up.

If you would like to order a Lunar Reading or join the next month’s circle of The Crooked Path - Sagittarius Season, please contact me through e-mail or message on Telegram Messenger @thewitchwithin.

Blessed Be,

Ashley Rae